"I don't know who ruins Sunday more, Jeremy or Jesus." - Kristin or Todd
We saw a sign for Emo Flooring and Kristin said this gem - "Emo Flooring, where our carpet cuts itself."
"Can I pet that dawg?"
Historical museums are not the same as historical markers.
The navigator must sing the directions to the tune that is currently playing on the radio.
All 4 humans must be present in the photo to count as an official marker for the website.
Sufficient turn notice is required.
Whenever one person sees a train, they have to yell TRAIN! and then everyone has to as well. Blowing the train whistle works as well.
Addition to the train rule: to be considered a train, it has to have an engine and at least 1 train car
We aren't getting the marker unless we can see it from the car
Games for the Road
Counting Cows
Each side of the car counts how many cows they see on their side of the road. You loose half of your cows if a cemetery is passed on your side of the road. The team with the most cows at the end of the trip, wins.
Social Distancing Trip
After Covid-19 hit, we got a little stir crazy and wanted to hit the road. We decided to take two cars, wear masks, and socially distance as much as possible. In the notes section on each county page during this trip, you will see "Social Distancing Road Trip" to indicate which markers were found on this trip. Below, you will see a picture of how to properly social distance. You must stay one Todd away from another person.
Google Maps is not always accurate. We were looking for the Rock Island Wreck Site 1894 Historical Marker. Google Maps took us to a park, and then on a nice little hike. We walked around a ballfield, then down one side of a ravine and up the other side where we finally found a trail. This trail led us to the train tracks, where a train just happened to be sitting. We finally found the end of the train and went to the other side, where, again, we had to climb down a small ravine and up to another trail. This trail finally led us to the marker, but when we got there, we found nothing. We flagged down someone running on the trail, and he informed us that they recently took it down because someone graffitied it. We then found the sad pole. This lead to the rule "We aren't getting the marker unless we see it from the road." We still have no idea how to get to that trail the proper way.
World's Largest...
Porch Swing! - We found this in Riverside Park in Hebron, NE.
Other States We've Made it To While Collecting Markers